September 15, 2008


Sub: Implementation of ERMSS Software at the Health Sciences Library, MU, Manipal

This is for the information of all the Users of the Health Sciences Library, Manipal University, Manipal that Library has successfully implemented ERMSS (e-Resources Management and Search Solution) Software and same could be accessed through Library web page http://www.maheinfo.edu/lib/index.asp or directly through

ERMSS (e-Resources Management and Search Solutions) is a customized e-resources management and search solution to manage and provide search on subscribed titles of e-resources (e-journals, e-books and online databases) of the Health Sciences Library, Manipal University, Manipal. The scope of the ERMSS is to make available all e - resources of the Library to its end-users.

ERMSS is an effective management and search tool for the information seekers like faculty members, researchers and students. One can access one or all the titles of the e-resources (e-journals, e-books and online databases) in the same interface by using various search parameters. They can easily view, access and search within all the e-resources with the same interface. When a user makes a request in the software it would look for the answer in all the e-resources be it online databases, e-books, e-journals and open access resources. The user will then get the appropriate answer to his/her request made.


  • Customize and integrated search services for all the titles of e-resources (e-journals, e-books and online databases)
  • Search Features - Basic, Advanced and Subject search, Parametric and Boolean search
  • Users can search on a single e-resource and on multiple e-resources at the same time
  • A-Z listing of all e-resources

Benefits to the Users

  • An easy to use tool to search the e-resources subscribed and available in the Library
  • Customized link to subscribed e-resources
  • Alphabetical listing keep e-resources from overlooked
  • Browsing and searching with simplest and advanced technology for better results

For more information, please contact the Senior Librarians at 2922358, 2922609, 2922612 or e-mail to lib.kmc@manipal.edu.


1. All the Heads of Depts., KMC, Manipal
2. The Dean, MCODS, MU, Manipal
3. The Dean, MCON, MU, Manipal
4. The Dean, MCOAHS, MU, Manipal
5. The Dean, KMC International Centre, Manipal
6. The Dean, MMMC, Manipal
7. The Director, MLSC, MU, Manipal
8. The Principal, MCOPS, MU, Manipal
9. The Principal, School of Nursing, Manipal

Copy to:
1. The Pro Chancellor, Manipal University, Manipal
2. The Vice Chancellor, Manipal University, Manipal
3. The Registrar, Manipal University, Manipal
4. Associate Deans, KMC, Manipal
5. The Network Administrator, MU, Manipal
6. The Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal - for information and with a request to publish the above circular in the Routine Hospital Order