February 28, 2008
Sub: Individual Training to the Users
on “How to Use e-Resources” subscribed by the KMC
Health Sciences Library, MU, Manipal
This is for the information
of all the Users of the KMC Health Sciences Library, Manipal
University, Manipal that following e-Resources have been subscribed
for the Health Sciences Professionals and Students and the same
could be accessed through Library web site i.e. http://www.maheinfo.edu/lib/index.asp.
- MD Consult
- ScienceDirect
- ProQuest Medical Library
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text
- Cochrane Library Online
- IDIS - Iowa Drug Information Service
- SciFinder Scholar
- NetAnatomy Educational Website
- Online Journals
- Open Access Journals
- E-Books
For effective searching of the e-Resources subscribed by the
Library, It has been decided to offer Individual Training to
the Library Users on Saturdays at the Health Sciences Library.
Library Users who need assistance in accessing the e-Resources,
Online Databases, Online Journals, e-Books and Online Library
Catalogue (OPAC) etc. through Library web site may visit the
CD and Online Databases Section (3rd Floor) of the Health Sciences
Library on Saturdays between 2.30 pm and 4.00 pm for Individual
Training from 10th March, 2008.
For more information, the Health
Sciences Library Users of the Manipal University may please
contact the Senior Librarians at 2922358, 2922609, 2922612 or
e-mail to lib.kmc@manipal.edu.
Further, the posters related
to e-Resources now available for Health Science Professionals
and Students at the Health Sciences Library have been enclosed
herewith for displaying in department notice board.
1. All the Heads of Depts., KMC, Manipal
2. The Dean, MCODS, MU, Manipal
3. The Dean, MCON, MU, Manipal
4. The Dean, MCOAHS, MU, Manipal
5. The Dean, KMC International Centre, Manipal
6. The Dean, MMMC, Manipal
7. The Director, MLSC, MU, Manipal
8. The Principal, MCOPS, MU, Manipal
9. The Principal, School of Nursing, Manipal |
}For kind information and circulation among the faculty
members and students
Copy to:
1. The Pro Chancellor,
Manipal University, Manipal
2. The Vice Chancellor, Manipal University, Manipal
3. The Registrar, Manipal University, Manipal
4. Associate Deans, KMC, Manipal
5. The Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal
- |
}For kind information, please
for information and with a request to publish the above
circular in the Routine Hospital Order |