Date: August 28, 2006


Sub: Trial Access to Primal Pictures (3D model of human anatomy online)

Trial access to Primal Pictures (3D model of human anatomy online) is now available at KMC Health Sciences Library micro site i.e. and same can be accessed in intranet environment any where in the MAHE campus, Manipal for a period of one month.

Primal Pictures provides a dynamic interactive multimedia overview of human anatomy - literally from head to toe! It features three-dimensional animations that illustrate function, biomechanics and surgical procedures. Clinical videos and textual descriptions by leading specialists supplement the animations and models. Interactive learning modules covering basic human anatomy focus on one or more areas of the body, from a generalist’s or specialist’s perspective, so that students, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals can uncover the information they want quickly and easily. Primal Pictures has created the world’s first complete 3D model of human anatomy. This highly interactive resource includes a study guide and a test bank to ensure that students can get the most out of their studies.
All the faculty members and students are hereby requested to make use of this trial access and please send the feedback regarding the Primal Pictures to the undersigned at the earliest.



1. 1. All the Heads of Depts., KMC, Manipal
2. The Dean, MCODS, MAHE, Manipal
3. The Dean, MCON, MAHE, Manipal
4. The Dean, MCOAHS, MAHE, Manipal
5. The Dean, MMMC, Manipal
6. The Dean, KMC International Centre, Manipal
7. The Director, MAHE Life Sciences Centre,
8. The Principal, MCOPS MAHE, Manipal
9. The Principal, School of Nursing

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The Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal with a request to publish the above circular in the Routine Hospital Order