Date: November 03, 2006


Sub:: : Trial Access to Online Journals Databases

Trial access to following Online Journals Databases are now available at KMC Health Sciences Library micro site i.e. and same can be accessed in intranet environment any where in the MAHE campus, Manipal.

  1. EBSCO Online

    a. MEDLINE with Full Text: It is world's most comprehensive source of full text for medical journals, providing full text for nearly 1,200 journals indexed in MEDLINE.
    b. MEDLINE Select. The database contains 179 full text journals and provides PDF coverage back as far as 1930 including 161 peer-reviewed publications. All journals in this collection are indexed in MEDLINE.
    c. DynaMed It is a clinical reference tool created by a physician for physicians and other health care professionals for use primarily at the 'point-of-care'. With clinically-organized summaries for nearly 2,000 topics, DynaMed is the only evidence-based reference shown to answer most clinical questions during practice.
  2. ScienceDirect (Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science): Full text articles for more than 95 journals related to Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science are available.
  3. IDIS/Web (Iowa Drug Information Service) It is a database of full text articles about drugs and drug therapy in humans taken from over 200 leading medical and pharmaceutical journals.

All the faculty members and postgraduate students are hereby requested to make use of above said trial access and please send the feedback regarding the online databases to the undersigned at the earliest.


1. All the Heads of Depts., KMC, Manipal }
2. The Dean, MCOAHS, MAHE, Manipal }For kind information and circulation among
3. The Dean, MMMC, Manipal }the faculty members and PG students
4. The Dean, KMC International Centre, Manipal }
5. The Dean, MCODS, MAHE, Manipal }
6. The Dean, MCON, MAHE, Manipal }
7. The Director, MAHE Life Sciences Centre }
8. The Principal, MCOPS MAHE, Manipal }
9. The Principal, Manipal School of Nursing }

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The Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal with a request to publish the above circular in the Routine Hospital Order