EPL Letterhouse

Library of MCES, DoP and DoL
Faculty of Humanities, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Floor-V, Advanced Research Centre
MAHE Manipal - 576104
Contact : 0820-2923096
E-mail : lib.des@manipal.edu / anantha.rao@manipal.edu

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List of Journals Subscribed

American Philosophical Quarterly (4/yr) (Int) (Online only)

Chronicle of Higher Education (Print+Online free) / (Int)

Contemporary Education Dialogue / Sage (2/yr) (National) (Print+Online)

Education world (Print – Magazine) / Ind

Higher Education for the Future / Sage (2/yr) (National) (Print+Online)

Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology (2/yr) (Int) (Online)

Journal of Contemporary European Studies / T&F (4/yr) (Int)- ONLINE Only

Journal of Dharma (4/yr) (National) (Print)

Journal of European Integration / T&F (8/yr) (Int) – ONLINE Only

Journal of European Studies / Sage (4/yr) (Int) – ONLINE Only

Journal of Indo-European Studies / JIES (4/yr) (Int)  - Print only

Journal of the History of Ideas (4/yr) (Int) (Online only)

Mind (4/yr) (Int) (Online only)

Philosophy East and West (4/yr) (Int) (Online only)

Philosophy Now / (6/yr) (Int) (Print)

The Journal of Speculative Philosophy (4/yr) (Int) (Online only)

The Monist (8/yr) (Int) (Online only)