UN Digital Library
United Nation Digital Library is a collection of digital documents preserved and provided by the Office of the United Nations to rest of the world. UN digital Library provides access of more than 10,27,000 UN Documents including publications, images, sounds, voting data and speeches of various UN Bodies like Economic and Social Council, General Assembly, International Court of Justice, Secretariat, Security Council, Human Rights Bodies, Economic Commissions and other UN Bodies.
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US Official Document System
United National Official Document System is a dedicated Search engine provides access of UN official documents on the basis of various search terminology. One can access UN Official records on the basis of Symbols, words in title, date of publications, job number and full text search. Truncation, date of release, year, agenda number, and languages are other additional options useful for effective and pinpointed research search.
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LII of India
The Legal Information Institute of India (LII of India) is an international standard, free-access and non-profit, comprehensive online collection of Indian legal information. The prototype is open for public use on 25 November 2010. It was formally launched in India in by National Law University Delhi at Vigyan Bhawan on 1st May 2010. The contents of the LII of India prototype contains 154 databases including legislation (the India Code from 1836, some State legislation, and commentary on legislation), Indian case law (over 300,000 cases in full text from the Supreme Court, most High Courts, and tribunals), treaties (all India treaties to 1975, plus many subsequent bilateral treaties), law reform reports (from the Law Commission), legal scholarship (six law journals to date, with scholarship repositories, books and judicial scholarship still to be developed), cases concerning India in International Courts and Tribunals, and cases concerning India from the pre-1873 English Reports.
Click here to Access LII of India |