MLS Bengaluru Library, MAHE Bengaluru

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General Instructions for Users

  • Except laptop/notebooks readers are not allowed to carry their personal belongings (bags, brief-cases, parcels etc.) and eatable items inside the library. Their belongings should be left at the baggage counter located at the entrance.
  • Always carry your Student ID card when you are visiting the library, failing so will forbid your entry to library.
  • Members must come to the library in person for the loan of books. Student cards are non-transferable and must be produced at the request of Library personnel.
  • Visitors/outsiders are allowed with prior permission from the Chief Librarian with an introductory from the concerned Organization / Institution.
  • Books available in the Reference section, loose issues of periodicals, Magazines are strictly NOT-FOR-LOAN and will not be issued.
  • Readers should not carry books here and there. Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. Please leave them on the table after your reference to avoid any misplaced.
  • Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage marking with pencil or ink on books/ periodicals is an offence.
  • If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material and may lead to suspension of library account and be barred from entering the library.
  • Readers are requested to handle the Library property (computer/furniture/fixtures etc) with care to prevent damage.
  • Stealing or damaging Library books is a serious offence. If identified, the fine will be Rs.2000/- (rupees two thousand) per book and will be suspended from the library for 15 days. Please ensure that you are carrying only issued and personal books from the library at the time of Exit.
  • Eatable items are not permitted in the library.
  • The use of mobile phones and other noisy instruments is prohibited.
  • Users are not allowed to take cuttings from newspapers. The required information may be photocopied.
  • Issued documents can be recalled any time, if necessary.
  • Members should maintain silence in the library and should not disturb other users in any way. Members should not engage in conversation in any part of the library causing disturbance to fellow readers. Loud discussions are allowed only in the discussion area.
  • Users of the library should note that all e-resources subscribed are licensed materials and cannot be shared with the external community as it may lead to copyright/license violation.
  • Sitting on the table and keeping your legs on chairs is not permitted.
  • The arrangement of chairs in the Reading Rooms should not be disturbed.
  • Library's photocopying services are fee based and the users must comply with relevant copyright legislation.
  • Readers leaving the library are required to allow library and security personnel to examine their personal belongings.
  • The library has every right to terminate the membership at any time in case of any violations of rules and regulations.
  • Members should follow all rules notified by the competent authority from time to time, in addition to these rules.
  • All users are requested to follow the COVID-19 safety guidelines.